Fight the Good Fight is a solid start to a new sci-fi series. The story follows the life of, David Cohen, a rather reluctant solider who originally dreams of serving his time and then getting out of the military with the intention of serving his fellow man in a spiritual capacity by becoming a rabbi. But you know what they say about the best laid plans, right? The war that has been raging now forever catches up to the ship he is on and it turns out David has a tactical mind and his actions catch the attention of his superiors, forever altering the path of his life. Fight the Good Fight features a solid action, a well thought out storyline, and some very memorable characters. The book does hit a bit hard on the religion angle, I’ve zero problem with religion being inserted into stories, welcome it in fact, but it’s seems a bit heavy handed here. It’s inclusion should be seamless to the point while you note it, but you don’t notice that your noting it…if you know what I mean. Certainly doesn’t hurt the story and I definitely think it enhances the story, it just could have been woven in in a more subtle way. Pacing for the most part was quite good, though I felt the ending was too long. That is to say we have the climax happen and rather than wrap things up in short order and set us up for the next book, we seem to linger a bit longer than warranted. By no means was it a deal breaker or did it stop me from thoroughly enjoying this book. And I look forward to seeing what happens next to David and his crew. The book was narrated by Jeffrey Kafer who, as always, does an excellent job. I was given a free review copy of this audiobook at my request and have voluntarily left this review.