As we Break is the 2nd book in the Against All Odds series and for the most part it’s another enjoyable book from Jack Hunt. I don’t want to go into any major spoilers, but I have to say that I quite enjoyed how Mr. Hunt showed us just who and how the grid got taken down. I’ve read several reviews that say this is all too unbelievable and while the story is a bit wild, I personally tend to read/listen purely for entertainment value and if I can suspend belief enough to buy that a lone cop can take out an entire building of terrorists/thieves (Die Hard) then I can certain suspend belief enough to buy into and enjoy this story. I liked the characters (except for the ones I’m meant to hate, lol) and loved the action. If I have any complaint it’s that the story picks up without any real recap or reintroduction of the characters so if it’s been a long time since you read or listened to the first book you might not remember who everyone is. Not really a knock against Mr. Hunt as this is something I’ve noticed that a number of authors do. Definitely not a deal breaker for me, but I do wish that authors would include an optional recap chapter. That being said, it wasn’t that long ago that I’d listened to the first book so I quickly remembered who everyone was. If you enjoy survival stories this series is definitely worth your time.

The book is narrated by Kevin Pierce who is one of my favorite narrators. I’ve said it before, but for me he is the voice of survival fiction and as always he does an excellent job.

I received a copy of this audio title in exchange for an unbiased review.