this series like others in the genre misses the opportunity to. inform people on useful in the apocalypse basic medical care information wound care this and basic suturing information could be gruesome in its self but all these series seem like reading stars and stripes extended multi part articles but sadly no one has created a useful knowledge instead these these books here’s wow kill the inf ,whicheven. the main characer tevenstruggles with the never ending hunt and kill repe cycle even some or them told in full gore detailbeheadings ,disemboulment d now i figure had a machetn d a knife even his comrade murphy’s observes your an excitement junkie
the main character oh shut up
not enough back story on murphy’s origin other than he helped zed get out of jail.
another book on murphy’ character
the saga 9 books in all but
the story was an endless gore to me the only thing
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