All of the series is great. Hate to see it end. Maybe mister Lowell will have more adventures for me in the future. This series is about the life and times of Mr. Ishmael Horatio Wong. What a moniker. The book opens with him as a young adult who lives with his divorced mother. The mom has just died in an accident. One of my favorite movies The Descendants begins the same.

Because his mom has died he is no longer able to stay on the planet which has strict rules for family allowed to stay. He must quickly decide how to get off a planet he can not afford. This young lad of 18 has not yet figured out what he wants to be when he grows up. Just devil may care not leaning any sort of direction. Now he must find a direction and quickly.

By chance and necessity he signs on to a company of cargo space ships as a helper in the kitchen. He goes from success to success and matures. He encounters many happy and devastating situations. He is very likable and fun. He is a hero of a type.

I want to keep reading. You will too. Buy them all before beginning.