So this book, how do I put this. First I guess I’ll say I actually liked this book. The narrator is pretty good, with the bonus of the next book narrative being done by an epic narrator. Though as I said, this narrator was good. It was the powers the main character has. It is labeled as being able to upgrade/modify anything he owns. What it actually is is powers of God over things he deems he owns.
In the beginning it seemed like it was going to be a balance between what the author calls points but more people will recognize magic points. There is magic and super powers in this book. The MC use of his “power” is thru a litrpg interface. With stat sheet listing everything from Str, Dex, Int, Wis, Luk, to super power lv. 50 or 60 whatever. The MC can modify these at will of anybody or thing he owns. But that isn’t even the OP part. He can do literally anything he can think of with this power as long as he has the points. He can create super powers that he invents on the fly and gives them to his people.
So having this OP power does he truly utilize it. Hell no. It’s frustratingly bad use of his powers. With the ability to literally do anything to upgrade somebody, I mean it’s kinda a no brainer. Raise thier Base stats to 999 and what could stand against them powers or not? Duh!!
The actual story putting his colossal misuse of his powers is actually pretty darn good somehow. I do recommend you get this book, but be fore warned, do NOT take the magic system or use to seriously.
If your coming off books like
Aleron Kong’s “The Land”
Andrew Rowe’s “Sufficiently Advanced Magic” or Shirtaloon’s “He Who Fights With Monsters”
You will be disappointed with the magic use and system in this book. Other than that, I do believe you could enjoy this book.