man I’m officially tired of this crap, I gave this series three chances and each book is worse than the last, I really don’t know how the author is managing writing such crappy stories, I’m low key impressed by this talent

In this book we are following Ginger, the girl who is under her parents thumb because of her Asthma, and they are so caring for her health that they made it their mission to provide people with healthy food where everything is as clean as possible, but then she meets Ray, her classmate who actually owns a farm and stands for everything Ginger is against .. but of course, what do you expect from a girl with extremely low self esteem when she meets a cute guy ?

throw everything out of the window and try to convince herself that factory farming might actually be good !!

this book is every vegan worst nightmare .. so much nonsense and ignorance.. I don’t want to get into the environmental or the ethical arguments because it’s an endless loop .. but health wise, science has proved time and time again that factory farmed meat is very harmful anyone and processed meat is a type 1 carcinogen, which means it can directly cause cancer .. look it up

I know I’m taking these books so seriously, but these poisoned ideas can actually harm someone

I will take a break from this series and once I calm down I will decide if I will return to it or not