I received this book at my request in exchange for an honest review.

This story is not what you would think it is. It is a mixture of old world and modern age. I do not know if I am able to but this story in a particular genre. This story is about a woman named Mel. When we are first introduced to her she is battling for her life and she is saved by someone that she would least expect.

This story at times was really difficult to follow with the multiple different points of view. This is not a book that you can drift with. Once you lose focus it will be hard to figure out what character is which and how all of them are connected with one another. ALL of the characters are all connected so paying attention is key.

I love the world that EM Kaplan is building. It is unlike anything that I have read before and it is refreshing. In a sea of fantasy this book stands out in the nost wonderful of ways. It is not an easy read in the beginning because you are starting to learn who all the characters are and what role and special talents that the seem to have. However when you past the introduction of this world you will get sucked in and never want to leave.

I also loved TJ Richardson as a narrator. I think that she did a fantastic job and I cannot wait to listen to book two in this series. I also hope that this series continues because there are a lot of questions that need to be answered and this book only had me wanting more.