I think I’ve figured out why I wasn’t too thrilled with the Hellraiser movie. The book deals so much with all 5 senses and on film you can only truly portray sight and sound. But Clive Barker’s true mastery of horror lies in his ability to exaggerate and heighten the senses of the reader and play with their imagination based on their physical experiences. Jeffrey Kafer’s monotone gravelly voice is chilling enough for narration but he does the same voice for every character, from Cenobites to humans. Even after Pinhead is described as having a “high breathy girlish voice” he uses the same deep monotone voice but with a sound effect to sound like there’s an echo, which begs the question, for me, if you’re going to go through the trouble and edit the voice, why not at least adjust it to the right pitch, or aim for the right voice in the first place? Less than impressed with Kafer’s portrayal of dialogue, but will most definitely be listening to more of Barker’s writing.