My biggest issue is Megan, she is disappointing as a central character. While others had their quirks, Megan was frustrating. It’s like she never learns from her mistakes. There’s a recurring thought that she needs to take her child and go out on their own, and by book 3 it’s irritating, in book 6 it’s just stupid.
If you struggle with support and you know there’s danger around every corner, why do you think being alone with a helpless child would work… She accepted the rough environment, was great with survivalist tactics- hunting, farming, building but she’s frustratingly stubborn, impulsive, and immature. She pouts, mentally stomps her feet, and has tunnel vision.
On the bright side, there’s multiple challenges both from environmental and supplies to fighting off those who are desperate or malicious. Will also say Grace Hamilton isn’t afraid to kill off much beloved characters just to remind you she can.

Spoiler Alert !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The wrap up was super rushed and completely ridiculous, I don’t think anybody believes everything is going to miraculously go back to normal in a snap with a few computer clicks and a quick sat phone call.