I don’t really get it because this book had so much potential. The story was a mix of zombies and LitRPG, but then the main character (MC) started to do some off the wall against self-preservation things that were just down right stupid and no one would ever do if they’re in a game or in real life. He’s angry at being alive, but doesn’t want to die. If you want to survive, then survive, if he wants to die he has so many options to die, then he needs to end it and stop. I hate this weakness of blaming himself for being alive, then in the game he is even weaker because he lost 3 levels in less than a day because he is unwilling to kill NPC’s who are killing him. Because of his weakness he caused so many others to die, then he gets killed again and again, but he wants to fully up load himself in the game. Just madness, don’t bother with it, you have a lot better choices in this era.