After skimming some reviews, I was a little tentative about starting this book. But having read around 20 of Robinson’s other stories, my general opinion is that when they’re good, they’re REALLY, MIND-BLOWINGLY good. And even when they seem mediocre, it’s only in comparison to knockouts like Infinite and The Others, and they’re still an enjoyable thrill ride.

Rest assured, this is one of the good ones.

Honestly, there were a few points when I didn’t think that would be my final verdict. Some events in the second half felt a bit rushed or disjointed upon my first read, and began to consider returning this one. Obviously, I didn’t, and I’m so glad. The ending snaps everything into place in a masterful way, revealing a deceptively refined plot structure that ends on a happy and satisfying note.

Give it a go, and wait till the end to form your verdict.