I have enjoyed some YA dystopian books before, and so I thought I would give an adult dystopian book a shot.

The story is non stop action from the first sentence to the very last. You feel like one of the characters in the story. You are constantly on the move from the mafia that now controls what used to be the United States. The story line is realistic, the plot is captivating, and the characters are well thought out. I liked that there were no crazy sex scenes, extreme goriness, or awful language. I enjoyed each book more then the one previous to it, and they are all fantastic.

Kevin Pierce does an amazing job and is consistent from book to book. His voice is perfect for dystopian novels. I would listen to a book again just because of his voice. Each character has a distinct voice and he does do a female voice well.

I received this audiobook at my request, and I provided this voluntary review.