So far in this series, I have had a constant struggle with how he has staged his big end of book fights. Constantly they use every last inch of his capabilities and go beyond into being lucky and into being a little over the top. Its not my thing and I don’t like how constantly he is fighting these fights where a sub lvl 100 is fighting multiple lvl 200+s and somehow wins. I don’t find it very interesting at all.

So, normally speaking with these books the base building and character interactions is what I have found good and worth coming back from book to book for. This book takes the main character away from his base for like the entire book leading him to do questing and such on his own with a very small group. I found that it lacked a lot of what I found good about the first two books.

The ending was essentially what I have come to expect from this author but maybe with a less interesting actual ending to it in my opinion. I might just be done with this series at this point.