The first book was so good… then for some insane reason the author decided to make Zack the main character in this book, which really sucked. Zack’s character is beyond boring, and I had zero interest in reading about him. It only made it worse that with next to zero effort Zack stumbled upon insane amounts of power in increases. Like my h*ll at least make him work for it. He levels up over 100 levels in like 1 day.
Of the 35 hours of audiobook like only 4 hours is even about Ryun. So if you’re planning on getting the book to follow more exploits of Ryun you’re going to be extremely disappointed.

The author did a poor job of creating and intriguing plot in this book, like nothing happened the whole book. There is no real plot, the characters just kinda wonder around looking for “power”. Especially Zack’s character, literally the most boring and dull story line ever. Falls in love with an evil person that has murdered as much innocents as Ryun… like what? Zack literally lives for revenge against Ryun, because Ryun is evil because he killed innocents… but for some insane reason is okay with loving a person that for hundreds of years has been killings innocent people.. obviously Zack has no issue with evil, clearly he only hates Ryun because he killed Linda.
Zack is such a loser, why the author decided to spend 95% of this book writing about him is beyond me. Not sure what he was trying to accomplish.
He could have just spent 15% of the book about Zack and gave some minor details about him growing strong to keep the rivalry between him and Ryun relevant.. and that would have been enough and I believe would have made a much better story, leaving the focus on Ryun like the majority of the first book did.
The book is also filled with about 5% of its contents writing about character sheets and stats, and randomly throws in chapters about random people and there stats. Like who the heck cares about these random peoples stats, it in no way benefits the story to tell us those things.
Also the plot line is turning into crap following the same basic storyline so many other litrpg stories follow… guess what the entire next book will be about!!? A tournament!! No way!! How freakin original!! I would have never guessed! I imagine the next book’s content will be 1/2 filled with glimpses of points of view from random characters then give a 10 min description of their stats….
Anyways, to end this rant: the book was disappointing. Will I keep reading the series: yes, because I love Ryun’s character, and I hope the author learns for his mistakes in this book, and gets back to writing about Ryun… but we’ll see I guess.