I knew I was going to like this book when the first chapter basically had one character tell another nonchalantly, “Oh, if you don’t use your powers daily, the dead are going to rise as zombies. It could eventually go global, no pressure.”

This is a smartly written introduction to this superhero world with a sardonic sense of humor. The characters were quick to grow on me as well. Plus, lots of representation, too! Jewish main character! Bisexual wife! African American Superman!

I also want to warn that this is the kind of writing that makes a lot of pop cultures references. I’m not dinging it for that because the references make sense in context and do a decent job of adding something to the story *cough* unlike Ready Player One*cough. Still, I know that’s a turn off for some readers.

I also was confused at first at when Cloak was speaking or when Gary was narrating due to how similar their voices were. I am dinging the narration a bit for that, but I grew to figure it out better as the book went on.

I received a free copy for an honest review. Now I’m wishing I had received the sequels too!