Overall I liked it… but did not feel at all like the second book in a series… I compared the first book to Ready Player One…. But this one I’ll compare to Sword Art Online or even one of the authors other series Sentenced to Troll… the SAO comparison is apt because after the first season and throughout that show, every season/movie is a different world, different tech, etc but in particular there is a community aspect of all the friends and family the MC has gained getting together in one of the older worlds… this is something I haven’t seen written much in LitRPG yet… usually at most it’s One Game and Real Life… but this book introduces a second game via new Tech…
The Narration was great, every bit as good as the first but for some ungodly reason the book is plagued with RANDOM sound effects that add little or no value to the story… and don’t even come up regular enough to anticipate them… it’s pure scattershot where maybe 5% of the SFX used don’t actively break your (mental picture) of what’s going on in the book…