I thought, in the beginning, I was going to hate this since it is different and really a slow burner but Edward Castle has done something i don’t think many has done when it comes to the lit-RPG genre that is make the main protagonist a morally ambigios character.

Things that make this Interesting? For one thing it is the story telling, what i mean is, it is so slow in the beginning that you actually think to skip this book altogether but you don’t because you need to know what happens next to Jack Thorn, what happened to his family? did he kill his parents and his aunt? you all will get to know about this

Other things that make this Interesting and really good? The Races, not your typical human elf and dwarf. there are so many just in the freaking underworld, and i particularly love the skill and titel system in Valia Online(the game)

The most epic thing I listened to in this lit-RPG was, in the beginning, when Jack completely destroys a place that is really important to the bound Deathlords… and i particularly love the ending of book one now owards to book two

I have to recommend this to anyone who wants to listen/read something which is not the goody-goody two shoes stereotype protagonist.