As a J.S. Morin fan, I picked this series up purely because of BO, AP, and mercy. I was pretty disappointed in the beginning.. the story moved slow, the writing felt robotic.. in retrospect that may have been intentional hah. Really I think I was just disenfranchised that there weren’t any wizards or kubo’s. This universe feels very different from the black ocean.. a fact I kept stumbling over every time it resurfaced that this story is 98% earthbound. Once I adapted to those points, I got pretty invested in the story, and enjoyed it just as thoroughly as the Black Ocean. Here I stand on the other side, hoping J.S. revisits this universe. 10/10, would buy again. J.S. has become one of my favorite authors, and is without a doubt the best value in sci-fi audio books. The whole Black Ocean for 1 credit is an insane value, and the only reason I tried him out (90+ hours!) to begin with. I’m so glad I did.