What startes as an amusing, even at times funny story hits with the revelation the tale is more narration than action. As with any comedy routine when it is engaging you eagerly await each bit to unfold. When it is terminally unfunny, any forgiveness for the shows shortcomings evaporates.

A blatant contempt at the working class here, a dash of ongoing misandry there, kill the mood. Forgivable if not for the length of narration.

Imagine an unfunny bit. Lukewarm from the start and downhill from there. A good comedian will pivot to other material. Making a note the joke did not land or knew ahead of time the joke wouldn’t land with the handy dandy test joke. Now imagine if that terribly unfunny joke, oozing with contempt only seen with limited life experience, kept going and going. Then in the very next bit you are hit with another dose of misandry.

Whatever is good of the show is drowned by the bad. You may enjoy clips here and there of the show, but you’ll never again watch the entirety of the show. That is Boom Box’s problem.

As to the narrator. Fantastic job.