Make sure you grab your fuzzy slippers before you listen to the book. I love all of Brittney’s books but hearing it as an audiobook brings a different level to them. I have not heard of Jeffrey Kafer before listening to Finding His Mark. I have found a new favorite narrator. Finding His Mark is the first book in the A Stealth Ops series. Luke and his sister, Jessica, run Scott and Scott Securities to the normal person. To a select few people who are privileged to know what really goes on behind the doors, they run a secretive group of agents. Luke starts off gruff in the story but as the story goes along, you do see his softer side. He has rules that no one can fall in love and marry on his teams. If they do, they are booted. Eva, also known as Everly Reed, comes from Hollywood royalty. She changes her name to Eva so she can be taken seriously. She unknowingly rents one of her cabins to Luke’s team. She decided to go to her cabin early and walks into a surprising event. I don’t want to get into too many details and spoil the story. Hearing the words make the story even better than just reading it. I recommend you read it too.