ABSOLUTELY LOVED! After book 3 I knew that it might take a seriously good story to redeem Rossi, but K. Bromberg DID THAT! She made me fall head over heels in love with him, he’s giving Lachlan a run for his money for my heart!

This audio is so so good! Teddy Hamilton as Rossi was amazing (I mean when is he not?), and Stefanie Kay was fantastic as Sophia! They both brought this one to life in great ways: Rossi in all of his soft heart for Sophia glory and Sophia struggling with her family dynamics and becoming her own person outside of that.

I love love love that we got to see what makes Rossi tick and get that insight into why he is the way that he is. Also was really glad to see him acknowledge that how he treated Blair (his ex & FMC in book 3) was unacceptable & that he was an ass lol. How Rossi is with Sophia is sooo different! He falls first and hard, and he would do anything in the world for Sophia! The way he encourages her and supports her is swoonworthy! He truly does turn his act around & it’s a thing of beauty!

Sophia is stuck between wanting to live her life for her and her dreams and being the caretaker/problem solver/doormat (sorry Sophia!) to her family! They treat and view her soooo differently from her brother, and that’s so frustrating for her! The way she blossoms and really comes into her own with Rossi is great growth, and I love that they bring out the best in each other!

TLDR: Obsessed. That’s all.