This was a Brilliant conclusion to Puatera Online! Andrea Parsneau, takes the reins of this fantastic LitRPG, and does so fantastically… We find ourselves right-smack-dab at the ending of book 3 where Maddie stepped out of the game and the storyline, and now, she has to play catch-up in order to get up to speed! Now we get to find out what she’s been up to during her absence! Maddie has long since left behind her designated roll as an NPC, and become So Much More than that, but what, exactly? What does Puatera, this “game world” have in mind for her? What is Maddie’s true destiny? But it’s not like she has to face the War alone. Puatera has trained up 4 players to ally with her… So with Akillia, and the three young sisters, Jessica, Dahlia, and Lia, they’re as ready as they’ll ever be… and the clock is ticking!
Having Andrea Parsneau do the final book in this series narration was simply Awesomesauce served over a generous helping of Badassness!
Will all your questions be answered? Maybe not… Will you be like me and want to log back in to play again, maybe even start a new campaign? I think that would be A-freaking-mazing! Let’s meet up… in Puatera!
Review from War for Maicreol: The Final Battle →