Silence Jones has another assignment – eliminate a serial killer who is lurking behind the scenes of an upcoming and trending country singer. Each murder is brutal and has one thing in common – they are all dedicated fans of the singer. Silence must act quickly before the final killing happens!

Erik Carter, the author is a masterful writer! His creation of Silence Jones has been methodical and precise, allowing the audience to discover who he is slowly and grow a fondness and respect for him. Each storyline is carefully planned and executed involving intense, well-developed characters and plot twists. Erik Carter provides an intense, action-filled storyline with humane qualities to be explored and experienced by his characters and witnessed by his listeners.

The narrator, Gary Bennett, has skillfully captured the essence of Silence Jones personalizing him through his gifted and talented voice. He embodies Silence Jones effortlessly and completely. Bennett adeptly switches characters expertly and proficiently. He consistently maintains their voice and personality. Even when doling out punishment/justice, he projects the mannerisms one would expect of this character.

Individually, these two are talented but together … they are amazing! They are both very skilled at keeping their fans entertained and engaged!

There were no issues with the quality or production of this audiobook.