I’m so very on the fence about these books. They have a chance to be good, great even. I like many of the characters and their backgrounds. I like the thought that seems to have gone in to the world of supernatural beings and how it works. The work done to create an interesting and diverse world is clear. However I can’t stand Sky. I don’t even have a love-to-hate feeling for her, I simple can’t stomach her.

Sky is supposed to be 24 and I always forget that. I find myself shaking my head and remembering she’s not 14. She comes off as petulant, ungrateful and annoyingly naive. I get she doesn’t like what she is and she is confused about her place in the world. But she is careless, does what she wants and causes more harm than she does help. As the lead character she does the least work.

I like Josh, Steven, Qwell and even Gavin. Ethan is likable in his own way. He can be overbearing and a control freak but that seems to be ingrained in all werewolves. Every fiber of my being wants Ethan to find someone better and not end up with Sky. But even I can see where the author is heading with them. As for Winter, she is a true badass and tough as nails. I like Winter, who is a self admitted bitch and yet I can’t bring myself to like Sky.