Lots of sex outside marriage – both rape and consensual. This will appeal to fleshly thinking males. Lots of eating beans, meat, jerky. Lots of guns, shooting and knifing. Very little thinking or advance planning. Women mostly sex teases, sex exploiters, rape victims, weak, or unattainable. I was looking forward to starting a series of prepping novels, but will not continue.

The little over 6 hours not a bargain, but willing to pay for a great series, which this is not. I see a lot of these so called prepper novels are short – 5 to 7 hours long by different authors – as if the authors are cranking them out according to a formula, just for the money.

A hang glider I know likes to follow seagulls, because the gulls catch the wind currents, and he can stay aloft longer. The only problem was, when he did that, he always found himself circling the city dump.

The prepping novel formula is: some kind of disaster, one hero prepared with guns and a bug out location, some gun fights with bad guys, and then a big gun fight at the end. So the novel always ends up symbolically circling the city dump. Argh.

There are a few excellent prepping novels. This is not one of them.