I tried hard to finish the book, but couldn’t. Full of contrived situations, and zero attempt to mix science with the fiction. Characters, setting and abilities were written to excuse the the plot outcome, rather than developed along rational lines to reveal the plot lines. For example, “our hero” wins the day because his a mix of James Bond, Jason Bourne and Mother Theresa, rather than training, experience, insight. It’s like a polar opposite of David Weber who, ahem, over-develops characters. Love Weber, but damn does the man give you every last scrap of background. Heppner creates an outcome and then freshly invents an unrevealed “because” to explain it away.

Doubtless a popular form, but if you’re looking for character development and a sense of plausibility, you’re better off with Weber, Ringo, Kratman, Corriea, and Williamson.

Sorry Vaughn. Not trying to be a jerk, just trying to offer a perspective. I noticed you sell books, so the occasional dissatisfied customer can be tolerated.