By now you should know this book brings the whole nerd package to life. Superhero’s (check), sexy women (check), sex and lots of it (check).

Breaker the man who’s banging a Harlem of girls to gain his powers all while loving them at he same time and heck they love him too. Can they save earth? Time and space? The universe and multiverse? We’re going to find out eventually but until then the books are written decently well. It’s plot is the normal hero adventure in space. But with more sex haha

Each character evolves on a power and personal level as the story unfolds. Which is what a reader looks for, my only grief is that the powers seem very bland and not thought through. Then it’s like they have a wait a minute moment and bam more powerful. Idk seems like it needs more thought with the powers. Other than that I’m going to enjoy the next few books and finish the series