right up front I recommend the trilogy. it’s quality writing, it’s an entertaining story, and the performance from the narrator is fantastic. now with that said our hero comes from a very bleak impoverished background. he’s raised in the sister on his own with deadbeat extended family trying to steal from him. as you progress through the three books he goes from one crisis to another. if you’re expecting him to be the chosen one or something that makes him truly special like you might see in other cultivation stories then this isn’t the book for you. he’s just a broke kid trying to make his way and the only it truly exceptional thing about him is that he doesn’t give up when there are so many reasons to do so. the final book in the trilogy has him starting off and sort of a listless area he’s doing all right for himself but he doesn’t know what to do next. he’s no longer got another crisis or emergency to face. he decides to get involved in a competition that to be perfectly honest is way over his head. by the time we get towards the ending of the story he’s given the golden opportunity to become like well other cultivation Heroes. instead he makes a choice that I’m going to suggest you listening to the audiobook to find out for yourself. I don’t think it’s a bad choice. it’s an extraordinary World in which the story takes place. but when you strip out all of the magic and Grim dark elements it’s a very humanistic story. and there’s something to be said about the everyday hero who while may not be able to make a difference to the world, can make a world of difference to someone. truly well done to the writer, the narrator, and everybody else who’s had a hand in bringing the story to us the audiobook listeners.