great you had a great book series going on and now you’re going to involve prostitution and trying to disgrace women and discourage women and make them feel like s*** because you wanted to tell these women that didn’t do prostitutes in the book oh we’re going to help you and you can move near us . but in exchange for you getting the help from us we need you to be prostitutes that’s disgusting it’s perverted it’s not very Christian or very Mormon at all for me to listen to this garbage when did you guys decide to become immoral and full of trash I mean your book is completely downturn for the worst now you just involving any kind of sin that you can think of is disgusting and I think it’s wrong and I think you should be ashamed of yourself as authors you both just despicable I’m not trying to judge I just how my not supposed to say something about how disgusting this is and why the book is doing what it’s doing is wrong