There were numerous major flaws with this book…

1) The book starts with Cady not giving Jason much needed information which causes all sorts of problems that extend the first few chapters almost endlessly. Literally nothing major occurs for (very long) chapters upon chapters in the book. I even mentioned this too the author on his Patreon page and he blew me off. Told me it was a “me” problem and the story was fine. All Cady had to to do was explain her plan in broad strokes and half of chapters in the first quarter of the book would have been unneeded. I don’t know if it’s lazy writing but it is definitely bad writing.

2) Politics. Let’s all welcome Travis Bagwell to the official WOKE parade. You know what I want to do when I listen to a fantasy fiction book? Escape from reality. But Travis said NOPE and included numerous political rants throughout the book. It’s as nauseating as it is cliché in 2023. Lot’s of other reviews hit on this so there’s no reason for me to keep beating this horse. Simply, don’t put your politics into a fantasy fiction book and the problem is solved.

3) I’m not anti-time travel like many of the other reviewers stated they were but man this was really poorly written. A “save” point? Seriously? So three quarters of the book was pointless? Cause Cady can just undo all of their problems with a little time magic? Again, I don’t know if it is lazy writing but it is definitely bad writing.

Honorable Mention) I didn’t like the George Lane angle any more than a lot of the other reviewers did. It reminded me of a favorite TV shows slow progression into ridiculousness. You know the one I’m talking about? The one where Season 1 is amazing, Season 2 is really good, Season 3 is good but the writers should have probably ended the series but the show gets picked up for three more seasons and the next thing you know, you don’t even recognize any of the characters anymore. That’s George Lane in this book. It’s just getting stupid. Alex is a clone? Seriously? What’s next? Where do you go from here? I don’t know if it was lazy writing but it was definitely bad writing.

Other things that could have been better) Julia in a fight against Alex? Please. More WOKE nonsense. This wasn’t in the game but in their version of IRL. IRL Alex would have pummeled her. Cady’s alpha dog, “I’m the boss”, over the top mentality? More WOKE nonsense. And much much more.

On a high note I thought Stifel did another solid job with the narration. I’ve always thought he was a good fit for this series.

I don’t think this will be my last book in the series. I’m a very forgiving person. However, if Bagwell refuses to read his bad reviews and fix things for the next book the next book will definitely be my last.