I like to listen to a few books before going back and writing reviews. I just finished the 3rd book in this series and I have loved every minute of every book so far!

The story is good. The characters are quirky and amazing. The character development is natural and deeper than I expected. The humor is on-point (a lot of “funny” book series should take notes). I really don’t have any negative things to say since this is well written.

The performance is LEGENDARY! Seriously, Jeff Hays is an amazing voice actor. I had to double-check to make sure there weren’t other actors in this. His range is incredible. BRAVO!

Overall, this is a MUST-READ (listen?).


1) Shadeslinger (I just love the humor and characters in this)

2) He Who Fights With Monsters (Not for everyone, but the sarcastic, atheist MC is right up my ally)

3) Dungeon Crawler Carl (Pure art)

4) Awaken Online (writing is a bit subpar, but the story and mechanics are good)


– The Land (a hot mess of circular writing)

– The Mayor of Noobtown (Not even remotely funny, which is what it is supposed to be)