***As always, I have to state that I was given this book for free in exchange for a review.
I never let the fact that I was given this book for free effect or sway my opinion in my review. My reviews are always my own opinion and thoughts on the books that I review.***
Book 3 is even better than I expected. Rich Baker keeps things moving along and his writing is not only intelligent but interesting and exciting. I can’t imagine how difficult a task that is to pull off. I am absolutely hooked on this series and I can’t say enough great things about it. I have a habit of reading a novel and as I’m digesting it,
I always think of things that could possibly go wrong or what I think might/should happen and it just seems like Rich has thought of every detail. He really, truly KNOWS his subjects and so it’s nice to just sit back and let him lead you on this journey. I’m not the least bit concerned that he’ll do something stupid or lead you in a way that isn’t consistent with what is actually happening. That being said; there are multiple twists and turns that take you by surprise and make it a real ‘by the seat of your pants’ kind of ride! I highly recommend this series.