Sebastian’s writing made the feel of the period palpable. The sense of mid-20th century social conventions shifting and the characters’ struggles with them resonated for me. The stories set during a time when I was a toddler. Still, the tensions between identity and danger, between authenticity, secrecy and personal safety felt familiar.

In a way, reading this book was like stepping into an Edward Hopper painting; the primary and secondary relationships fit together like a tight chamber work. The contrasts of culture and class between the leads worked for me and I was 90% convinced of their Eros drive, enjoying the romance and heat.

Joel Leslie’s reading started out oddly for me because I’ve previously heard his voice only in full Brit mode. But after the first few pages I was swept into it and thoroughly enjoyed the ride.

Side note. A curious phenomenon while listening: Lots of little synchronicities popping up all the way through. Felt magical. What’s up?