not sure if it’s the intended effect but the story seems to be being written for a younger and younger audience. the first book seemed good, second was a little melodramatic, this one is pubescent. i still enjoyed the book and will be reading the fourth book. if it doesn’t get any better, I’m just gonna leave the series.

alsothe transition between the library and the fire guild was EXTREMELY hard to follow. i had to read it like the times…it was almost as if the fire guild was in the library.

oh and the voice actor. I’ve tried to hold back my opinion because i know it’s a tough job…but this narrator needs some training…. he misses character changes, flip flops between Australian and British accents, and something happens to his voice every now and again…it goes super deep for no reason.

**SPOILER** i don’t know why Riley is so trusting NOW. in the last two books she was all…oh i don’t trust ANYBODY. but now she’s SURPRISED when she is betrayed by someone she barely knows?