If you’re looking for a book that is relatable to real life this is it! No one has a ton of money, no one is drop dead gorgeous, (Brandt feels June is, but it is his POV), you know, lol, the typical love stories. It’s real life for most of us, filled with angst, misunderstanding, having to come to terms with loss, devastation, and things we can’t control. I personally loved the book starting out through the eyes of children, it made you understand why Brandt felt so guilty and refused to call Samantha and Andrew mom and dad or accept others saying June and Theo were his brother and sister. It’s a very deep and emotional story that you could not foreshadow. The narrators were GREAT! Some narrators have made me return books, especially books by black authors,sorry, and yes I am black. I prefer a man to speak the male parts and a female to speak the female parts. I hate when a male narrator speaks his part, then he speaks the female part, and vice versa, when they have BOTH male and female narrators! I guess this is done to allow both narrators to perform their parts at their own pace, yet this can become very confusing because not every narrator can pull this off! I love to get totally lost in a story. I love for it to take me totally out of my world. I loved the angst and confliction, my stomach was literally tied in knots at times! I also love the way Brandt would stop at times and talk to the reader. The plot was wonderful! The narrators were great! It was an unusual love story, the sex was not over the top, with every sex scene described in porn detail! Love, love, love epilogues! Spoiler alert, the ending was funny and full of love. This book will go in my read again collection.
Review from June First →