This narrator is very good! I have listened to him many times with this author’s books and he seems to get better every time I hear him.

Aikaterina gives Barrack and Brogan a second chance at life. They had to be killed when their dragon, symbiot and human could not agree on a mate and they went crazy killing people in their village. But Aikatarina brings them back and sends them away because she realizes that it is her fault that things went wrong. Their mate hasn’t been born yet so they hasve to wait many years. Then the Godess tells them to find a warrior named Joaquin and his mate Sara because they will lead the twins to there mate. The only problem is that they only have so many days to find her and convince her to love them before their time is up and the past will revert back to when they died.

Delilah keeps having good dreams about twins and bad dreams about her death as a child. She also has a real estate mogul trying to get her land no matter what it takes but she isn’t selling. When the two men from her dreams actually appear right as a huge snowstorm begins things become very interesting.