This seemed like inane satire to me. Like the author half attempting to make fun of the genre.

Its even narrated in what comes across as a wink wink nudge nudge manner.

Performance: The volume..

I was forced to lower the volume every time it came to the narrative parts for Leon the MC’s sentient apparel(he belts everything out). While the sound for Eva his info companion had the opposite issue, whether due to what at times seemed like whispering or that of the sound distortion effect(bad mic) chosen for Eva.

Both made listening to this book really annoying. –Normal tone, Whisper, Scream, Whisper, Normal..

I am currently at the 24th min in the 4th chapter of this book having listened to just under 2hours of it.

I read several reviews of this book prior to acquiring the audiobook version of this story. Therefore I honestly thought, that if I where to end up returning this book, it would be due to issues of translation. Issues of that kind may become evident later on in this book who knows!? The first 2 hours suffered no such issues imo.

Instead I find myself returning this book because it is just to silly like.. Well it come across as an ever so slightly dark version of a children’s morning cartoon.

It was just Not for me.