Phipps has quickly become one of the writers I enjoy – feeling guilty for it. His constant puns, quips, & various pop-culture references from my era make me laugh as does his decidedly pulp-style. Even so, in my own as well as his defense, he manages to cram into his writing reasonable unbelievable heroes, less predictable plots, character development, enough detail for a trilogy in every book, & plot-twists that pleasantly crack your neck without breaking it. Honestly, I hope he enjoys writing enough & that the profit is good enough that he can do it for a living without contention. That way, I will be able to enjoy more of his work – even if only over headphones while claiming to bed listening to some professional seminar. Thanks, Phipps.
To the Author: I’m still praying for your soul, Phipps. You obviously need Jesus, even if you are a great pulp writer.
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