I have to say that it is a bit sad that this series is absolutely overflowed with fake reviews. There are thausands of them. From accounts that go through every book Copy-Pasting the same comment from one book to another, with a short Description such as “Favourit Book” “Top Five of my books” “Fun to read” and stuff like that. Almost all of these reviews also call the MC by their name Boxy, and spell it wrong, or without a capital letter. But why? The series does not need it and it just gets flooded with reviews that are so fake it makes you want to cry blood, from the blood pressure. The book is quite interesting and has a couple of funny and original quirks. But at the same time it makes fun of some serious matters such as Grapping… and I am not talking about wine… It goes over the grapping scenes over and over again, trying desperately to be light-hearted about it by diminishing the effect on the people, but it is still uncomfortable. Interesting that almost no reviews mention stuff like this,