Halfway through Chapter 2, I realized that this was a book that had been turned into a series through excruciatingly mind-numbingly detailed descriptions of every single simple thought and action of every single character and every object that they interact with. We all know simple things like entering a room and turning on the light on the way in – we don’t need it detailed step-by-step. It isn’t interesting, and it certainly doesn’t add “authenticity” to a story – it puts us to sleep. Combine that with the unabashedly juvenile prose and it makes for a tired stereotrope of run-of-the-mill Young Adult Fiction book series. Of COURSE the hero has to be an orphaned teenage prodigy (Rolls eyes) upon whom the fate of the entire human race depends… yaaaaawn. If you’re over 18 and/or have an IQ over 90, skip this snooze fest and try the Eden Chronicles series.