4.75 stars
I’m so sorry it took me this long to get to the final installment. It was great. The ending was a little anticlimactic. I genuinely liked the flow of the story, all the characters working out their drama. I just really didn’t want to say goodbye to my magicians.
I think the whole premise of magic and immortals and Atlantis was such a great idea. Penelope and Alexis’ relationship is so strong and the bond they have only makes them more powerful. I’m jealous of Penelope being the Archivist because now she can have all the books she wants and the palazzo just makes more space… it’s like a freaking TARDIS. Im so happy Aelia and Phaidros finally worked out their shit…sorry stuff.
And can I get more Constantine?
I feel like the story was missing something at the end. I can’t even place what exactly but I feel like it ended very quickly, and way too nicely. Not that my magicians needed any more drama. They don’t.
If I have to convince you to read the series. Think Da Vinci Code meets Discovery of Witches but it’s Atlantis and all the main characters give inner circle vibes and have lived over 10,000 years.
I received this ebook back in 2021 from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.