It may not be apparent at first glance, but this book is about slavery… It’s not about the color of someone’s skin either, it’s weirder than that. A group segregated by blood type… and it’s something that doesn’t breed true! But once puberty hits every child is tested and if they have it they become property of the state, branded and sold to the highest bidder! There are no exceptions, no matter how powerful your family… your only life from then on is one of subjugation! Ryl is one of those children! And this is his story! What’s different is that maybe, just maybe, he’s the catalyst needed to start a chain reaction that takes down the system!
I immediately fell in love with Ryl… though I did feel kinda’ like the pacing was a bit off,  but by the half way mark the story actually started rolling along, with a lot less world building (info) and a lot more storytelling and action! I was actually surprised to find that this was CJ Aaron’s debut novel… so I immediately forgave the author for the stumble and uneven pacing at the beginning!
  Travis Baldree once again gave us a fantastic performance, and is one reason why Ryl felt so real… Grab this book… and get ready for the next incredible book by CJ Aaron!