The Gary Sue MC is an idiot, all of his dialogue is only there to vomit exposition as if the reader is too stupid to know what is going on otherwise (unless the dialogue is just him praising his own incredible awesomeness, of course), everything he could possibly ask for and a lot more besides is IMMEDIATELY handed to him so he succeeds despite his idiocy, and the rare times it isn’t he loudly complains about it. Did I mention he is a crack shot sniper, knows kung-fu, is an expert at parkour, and a phenomenal gamer, even though he is only 15 years old? The main narrator does a great job making me hate literally everyone he voices – I doubt that is intentional. Nothing to complain about for the secondary narrators, but they get very little mic time.

I should also mention this is basically a System Apocalypse series knock-off, but filled with stereotypical russian writing tropes and none of the good writing, plot, character development, or good narration.