I used to be an Urban Fantasy snob. I had only read a few other UF books, basically all of the Dresden Files, and a few other books. Then I fell into a host of other books and found interesting characters like Nate Temple, Roy Morgan, Sandman Slim, and Montague and Strong. Now, I can add Morgan Rook to that list!! He pretty much out Dresdens Dresden. An exteremely intreresting guy, I could read about him all day long.

The book is a an absolute whirlwind. There is a mystery, but the action really takes center stage, and we get to see punches, swords, guns, and magic all being employed to bring down whomever Mr. Rook is combating. The story sucks you in immediately, and you won’t want to put it down. In fact, you won’t even realize how far in you are until you are almost done. This is a character driven story, as much of the plot consists of go there and kill that (not saying that’s bad, but it is the character of Rook that will keep you reading).

Compton is excellent as Rook, too. He enlivens the character, and I think in few books he will BE Morgan Rook in the same way that James Marsters is Harry Dresden. The man can undoubtedly tell a story, and his tension adds to the pell-mell pace. Just amazing work all around. Even though I did receive a promo code for this review it in no way influenced my considerations of the material, and in fact, inspired me to be more honest. In fact, getting a code generally makes me harsher as a reviewer as I am more often concerned what someone like Me will decide based on my review.

I can see this being a long lived series that has a fan base that just grows and grows. It is fun, exciting, has a killer main character, and is packed full of so much action the words almost burn off the page.

If you love urban fantasy, great fight scenes, a magic weilding mofo of a detective, and superb villains then this is the book, and therefore, series for you. Get it now.

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