This book was definitely more than I was expecting. I had never read the author before but was pleasantly surprised by the story. Angie’s baby has been kidnapped and taken into Mexico by her parents. Angie’s parents are leading a over zealous religious cult. Her father has many crazy beliefs. I don’t want to give away the whole story line. Think Jim Jones meets David Koresh. Angie’s parents in reality are pretty sick people. Angie meets Alejandro who is a undercover American ATF agent. Alejandro is working for a female Mexican drug lord that has promised to help Angie get her baby back. Everyone thinks Angie’s dad is the worst, but truly her mother is the most manipulative one, if you ask me. This book has drama, suspense, kidnapping, cults, religion, drugs, romance, brothels, and human trafficking just to name a few. This book shows what lengths a great parent will go to, to get their kid back. Angie happens to fall in love along the way too. There was a lot of obsessions in this book. Most were the wrong kind.

I received a free copy of this book and voluntarily left this review.