Its a joy to listen to historical m-m romance and after K. J. Charles, if another author that has nailed it, its Cat Sebastian. After an awesome series “The Turners” Cat Sebastian has started with two more m-m historical. “Seducing the Sedgwicks” and post-war drama series “Page & Sommers”. After re-listening Hither, Page (Page & Sommers, book 1), I must say that I would like Ms Sebastian to explore and continue writing more post-war historical romance. Aleksandr Voinov is another author who is superb in bringing out post WWII m-m romance drama in his books, but his books carry a darker and kind of paranormal element to it. Ms Sebastian’s books are on the lighter side of war-dramas, but that doesn’t mean that she can’t keep you hooked and in suspense. That’s what she did with this book and I am looking forward to what comes next for our MC’s Leo Page and James Sommers. Another point for Ms Sebastian is her menagerie of equally interesting secondary characters. She managed to make me adore the ones in “The Turners” series and this series is having an equally important cast of eccentric and quirky characters with some hilarious results :D.

After Gary Furlong as a narrator choice for “The Turners” series, the awesome accent master Joel Leslie is gracing Sebastian’s current books and he is doing a terrific job (how he keeps up with the accents is a wonder to me 🧐). He has brilliantly portrayed the emotions and the traumatic PTSD-like experiences that war veterans, undercover agents and even doctors face after a war. It’s a tale of two damaged men, but you have to listen in order to appreciate the storytelling, the timeline, the characters and of course the narrator.