The Roak series continues to be fun to listen to. Roak is a tough, though not invincible, character who is constantly in the midst of chaos. In this story, however, he learns that he may not be able to complete his mission, one of vengeance rather than seeking a bounty, without help. He is forced to do something he is loathe to do, rely on others.

The plot of this book has Roak traversing the galaxy more than any of the previous stories. Aside from the opening of the first book, he also takes his worst beating. But more importantly, his character undergoes some significant changes. First, he is out for revenge, a mission that doesn’t pay well. He also confronts his past, which provides us with a few details about his younger years but opens up new lines of questions. The plot is strong, the dialogue alternates between terse and funny, and Roak grows as an individual. This series keeps getting better!

Andrew Wehrlen is definitely a top 10 narrator for me, and he delivers another solid performance. I often seek out his audiobooks, and have listened to 30+ titles read by him. He has a unique cadence at times, and that just adds to my enjoyment of his work.