This is the first book by this author for me and I will read another. The story is captivating, a book which is difficult to put down. At times funny, unbelievable because one realizes we all know someone like Fred Kevin Coe or whatever name he decides to use. He is the ultimate narcissist but with charm! More covert then overt in my estimation. I just found it very sad, the trial portion of the story and how the jurors were doubtful, etc., about Coe’s guilt got on my nerves because it was so obvious but I suppose it was to prolong the story, yet at this point, I lost interest because it didn’t feel true any longer.
What is extremely curious at this particular time if my reading this story, there seems to be a lot of docu’s on these type of men, rapist who get away with this violent crime over and over again for various reasons. And, even though the timelines do correlate to the late 70s and early 80s, and the topic of rape was viewed in a male dominated world structured to think a woman should “lay back and enjoy it”’as the cop said (terrifying and he is on our side), it is just simply a terrifying acknowledgment, a head shaker to honestly feel and know this much evil is lurking all around us on a daily basis. Women and men, best be completely prepared, everyday to possibly encounter a young or old man who is sick enough about sexual contact to want to kill you for a glimpse or touch or whatever. Sick, sick, sick.
Review from Son →