I wasn’t sure about this book because I don’t think that I like necromancers. Sure I loved George in Ilona Andrews Edge series. And I’ve only read a few books where the antagonist is a necromancer and seriously those guys needed to be put down. So yeah I’m prolly a bit of a racist/specious when it comes zombies and necromancers.
But, rinoZ managed to make me love Anthony the ant 🐜 in Chrysalis the series, so much so, that I decided to challenge rinoZ into turning me into a necromancerphile. Well at least for one book anyway.
When the book started with a slow burn 🔥 I almost gave up on it. At that point the book reminded me of Blessed Time by Cale Plamann, prolly because I recently read it and both young protagonist received their special gift from the Gods. Which they would use for the rest of their lives but unlike Blessed Time, Tyrone gift was considered illegal!
But again it was a rinoZ bk and Phil Thron is a great narrator and he’s always worth listening to, I’m sure glad I stuck with it! It was such an awesome story. It had a good ending but there’s so much left to tell… Luckily bk2 will be released before the end of the year… I have so many questions! Questions about what Elizabeth and his parents are up too.

Here’s some quotes that amused me:

“What is going on and why can I see Dove’s balls.”

“But the second you wake up you better kill me or I’ll eat your ankles.”

“It’s with me in spirit!” the once-Summoner declared proudly. “My soul cannot be separated from its johnson, or its desire to ogle. Some things are fundamental to nature.”