These two books went down hill pretty fast, the MC turns into some drooling idiot that can’t think and make rational decisions. the only thing good about the Books is that Travis is doing the VO work.

======== Some Spoilers Below =========

Let’s boil it down what Arthur is doing most of the book, because he is not training AT ALL, it’s just crap being dropped into his lap by the author. 1 ) He is wasting time saving Tess yet AGAIN ( 4 times in these two books ), 2 ) Dealing with side characters that are supposed to mean something to the readers but do not because he spends so little time with them, very one dimensional 3) Being pointed out by another race of beings that he is insignificant in the big scheme of things 4) Dealing with Lucas and now Lucas 2.0. 5 ) The Cliffhanger is a joke, should have never happened, he was DEFENDING the school, the counsel was no place in sight and the lances where also no place in sight to help Defend the city and ALL those so important kids.

The power level creep of the villains vs the rest of the world is a joke, no point really if the rest of the population doesn’t stand a chance. Way to much in fighting, inner monologues and posturing going on. Maybe they all should be wiped out for being so arrogant and stupid.